We all want better well-being. No question there.

Unfortunately, there seem to be so many things that drag us down on a daily basis.

Maybe it’s feelings of anxiety and depression. Maybe it’s unpleasant economical or personal circumstances. Or maybe it’s the negative attitude of others around us.

Overcoming chronic negativity is challenging, to say the least.

But it can be changed!

The secret is, instead of waiting for that one big positive shift in your life that will bring you unending bliss, look for the repeated small moments of positivity.

Those micro-moments of good feelings can help you accumulate a buffer against stress, depression, and negativity. In fact, over time, they can promote better well-being—physically and mentally—for the long-term.


Neuroplasticity – Your Path to Positivity

Certainly, we can’t always be happy and positive. We all go through ups and downs in our lives. There are situations that naturally cause us to have negative feelings. And those emotions have their place in life.

It’s the chronic negativity that is detrimental. It slows down how well your brain adapts and affects your overall ability to bounce back from stress or hardships. In turn, the slower you recover, the greater your risk is for a variety of health problems.

However, your brain has an amazing capability for change. This is called neuroplasticity—your brain’s natural ability to develop new neuronal connections in order to compensate for trauma. This capacity can actually help you to teach your brain to make a more positive response to life’s challenges by learning specific skills that encourage positivity.

Taking time to regularly practice these skills will help you generate more positive emotions and can result in better well-being. You can become a more resilient, more social, healthier, and happier person. The best part is, this change can happen in as little as a few weeks.

So, how can you tap into the nourishing power of the positive moment?

The Skills to Create Micro-Moments of Positivity

In order for us to flourish, we need nourishment. Not only in the form of healthy food but also in form of emotions that are good for us.

Consider some simple ways you can create nourishing positive emotions daily:

  • Accept your flaws – Instead of focusing on your imperfections and failures, learn to look at your positive attributes and inner beauty and celebrate your achievements.
  • Let go of what you can’t control – Rather than staying stuck in the past or worrying about the future, be mindful of the present—the here and now. Ruminating on what you can’t control only drains your mental resources and robs you of your current happiness.
  • Appreciate your surroundings – Feast your eyes on the beauty of nature, a moving piece of art, the details of astonishing architecture, or even an elegant article of clothing.
  • Do good for others – Showering someone else with caring, consideration, and compassion won’t just make them happier; it will enhance your own positive feelings. It can be something as simple as helping them with a task or offering a kind word.
  • Develop and maintain good relationships – Strong social connections strengthen feelings of self-worth and bolster overall physical and mental health.
  • Learn something new – Establishing the goal of increasing your knowledge or learning a new skill can help you feel a sense of achievement, self-confidence, and resilience. But be realistic and don’t inadvertently create extra stress.

Adopting and sustaining positive behavior changes doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. As you can see, micro-moments of positive emotions can help expand your awareness step by step to become a better—and happier—version of yourself.

It only takes a little forethought and mindfulness to include these things in your day-to-day life. There are no monumental changes involved to encourage better well-being one positive moment at a time.