From the time you walked through the doors of your high school during freshman year, you have dreamed of this moment. New beginnings are exciting. Especially when you are attending college for the first time, it’s the start of a new chapter in your life. New friends, opportunities, and experiences that you will never forget.

Walking across the stage and receiving your high school diploma, you couldn’t wait until summer was over. But as the date grew closer, did you notice that your excitement started to wane? If you answered yes, you aren’t alone. The truth is, while college is your fresh start, you can’t help but feel nervous. The anxiety you have felt all summer has likely increased over time. Then, you can’t help but feel frustrated with yourself.  Why can’t I be excited again?

Why Do People Experience Anxiety Over Going To College?

woman looking anxious staring at ground

There are many reasons why people start to feel nervous about their incoming freshman year. For the past 18 years, you have had your parent or guardian guiding you along the way. You’ve had teachers to guide you in the right direction. Everyone put you on a path to help guide you to where you want to go and what you want to do with your life. And even though you will still have these things, just in different ways, you can’t help but feel scared for it all.


There’s also the unknown. What will classes be like? Am I going to like my major? How will I handle not knowing anyone right away? These are just some of the main reasons someone may experience anxiety over going to college but certainly is not an exhaustive list.

5 Tips To Alleviate College Anxiety

1. You Aren’t The Only One Who Is Nervous

It helps to know that we aren’t alone in our struggles. It can feel like a very isolating experience and one that you should deal with on your own. Neither of these is true because all of your classmates are likely experiencing just as much anxiety over this new transitionary period.

2. Sign Up For Activities Outside Of Classes

Getting involved in activities outside of class can help you build social connections. It will also give you much-needed relief and something to look forward to outside of classes and studying. It can also be a great resume builder for the future that seems so far away but will sneak up before you know it.

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

In life, we are always reinventing and changing; now is the best time to take advantage of that. Now is the perfect time to begin discovering who you truly are. Sometimes, the best way to help ease anxiety over a new chapter is by stepping out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to make dramatic changes; just start slow. Try to be the first person to strike up a conversation with someone in your class or dorm. Research a hobby that you would like to try in your free time.

4. Journal

Juggling college and your social life can be challenging. Instead of letting the anxiety build up inside you, start to journal. Quickly write down what is making you nervous about this new time. Journaling about the things that bother us gets the thought out of our heads and into the world. It can also help us prioritize and strategize how to tackle each of the items we are most anxious about.

5. Reach Out For Support

You don’t have to go through this period alone. Never be afraid to reach out to someone and talk about how you are feeling. Whether that is a parent, family member, friend, or new classmate, someone will be there to listen and understand what you are going through.

As a licensed therapist, I am here to help and guide you during this time. Reach out to me to learn how anxiety therapy can help.