Everything seemed to be on track for a successful new year.
Until it wasn’t.
Many people’s resolutions for 208 didn’t even make it to the end of January. Sounds familiar?
Although you might be quick to scold yourself for getting off your intended course so soon, try approaching it from another angle. It could be that your resolutions for 2018 aren’t doomed at all, they just need adjusting.
Think of your resolutions for the new year like the sail of a boat. If hoisted incorrectly, then your boat will go the wrong direction or not move at all. So, here are a few tips on how to hoist that sail to help you move forward on your set course for the new year.
Tip #1: Make Sure You’re the Boss
Choosing your resolutions for 2018 probably wasn’t a difficult task. After all, you know yourself fairly well at this point. Meaning, you know what you’d like to see changed in your future.
But, how did you go about choosing what exactly should change in the new year?
It’s not uncommon for people to let others influence their resolutions. Meaning, you might have allowed society—your friends, or even celebrities—tell you what your goals should be.
Rather than taking orders from another source, be your own boss. You know yourself the best, so give yourself permission to realign your resolutions for 2018 with the things you truly want in your life.
Tip #2: Write a “Resolutions for 2018” Playbook
“I want to lose weight.”
“My goal is to read more.”
“I’d like to eat healthier.”
While these are all great goals, they’re far too vague to be achievable. Mostly, because they’re immeasurable. For instance, what does “read more” even mean? Is it 1 book, 20 books, or 100 books?
Think of it this way: if you aim small, you will miss small. So, be specific in the goals you want to meet for the new year. If your goal is to lose weight, then determine how much weight you want to lose and set a time frame to achieve it.
Embracing specific and measurable goals should be a go-to strategy for your 2018 playbook.
Tip #3: Steer Away from U-Turns
We all know that a U-turn is basically a 180. You’re heading one direction down the street only to whip the car around and head the opposite direction.
Many people attempt to squeeze their resolutions for 2018 into this scenario. Sadly, resolutions don’t take to being steered quite as well as a car does. More often than not, resolutions will abandon you if you attempt to do the exact opposite that you’ve been doing, leaving you to head back in your original direction before you realize it.
A better approach is to adopt small sustainable habits in your daily life. Avoid trying to change your life in one fell swoop. If you progress step by step, you’ll reach your goals faster than attempting a complete turn-around.
Tip #4: Tone Down on the Positivity
While being positive has a definite place in your life, it can hold you back in an unsuspecting way.
When you set a goal for yourself, it’s common to imagine yourself reaching this goal. You imagine how you will feel and how great it will be once you’ve accomplished it. Daydream about this too much, though, and it can actually hinder your progress.
Each daydream serves as a type of relief from the restlessness of an unachieved goal. This temporary relief could be just enough to slow you down and make you not want to give as much effort as before. So, be positive, but try not to get carried away with fantasy.
Tip #5: Make Failure Your Closest Friend
Failure is uncomfortable, plain and simple. It’s like a spotlight directed at exactly what is not working in your life.
It might seem like a setback to keep slipping up or getting off track, but it’s not. What you might perceive as failure is actually a clue.
So, pay attention when you feel like you’ve failed in sticking to your resolutions for 2018. It could be that you need to shift your goals because they’re not what you wanted in the first place. In fact, perhaps your playbook strategy needs adjusting or revamped altogether.
Just remember that when it comes to goals, you’re allowed to change your mind and your tactics.
If you’re having trouble sticking with your resolutions for 2018, please reach out to me. I can help you identify any holdups and support you in your efforts to improve your life.