What Are the Blue Zones and How Do They Affect Longevity?

Living in paradisaical conditions—clean air, sunshine, fresh and healthy food, taking it easy. Who wouldn’t want that? Just dreaming about getting away from the pollution-filled environment of the big city—skyscrapers, noisy streets, fast food, daily rush of work deadlines—seems to add length to your lifespan. But are there such magical places where you just live…

How Accumulating Daily ‘Micro-Moments of Positivity’ Can Result In Better Well-being

We all want better well-being. No question there. Unfortunately, there seem to be so many things that drag us down on a daily basis. Maybe it’s feelings of anxiety and depression. Maybe it’s unpleasant economical or personal circumstances. Or maybe it’s the negative attitude of others around us. Overcoming chronic negativity is challenging, to say…

How Your Appreciation of the Arts Makes You a Better Person

Do you like music and dance? Perhaps you’re moved by a stimulating salsa rhythm, deeply touched by a stirring orchestral composition, or amazed by the beautiful choreography of a ballet performance. Do graphic artworks catch your eyes? Maybe you’re drawn to the passionate expressiveness of colors in a painting, the unusual combination of materials of…

How to Overcome Procrastination When Negative Feelings Snowball and Paralyze You

We can train ourselves to be lazy. We can also do the opposite. To create good habits, though, you must establish a cue, a routine, and a reward. But what if your problem lies in your inability to even get to the cue because you’re not able to overcome procrastination? Instant gratification takes over and…