The City of the Future: What Would an Age-Ready Utopian Environment Look Like?

If asked to describe your ideal way to live and grow old, what would you say? Most people would automatically focus on the weather and surrounding geography of their dream locale. Although it’s not uncommon to wish for solidarity at first, people generally falter to their social selves as life gives way to graying hairs….

Little Hiccups Don’t Make You a Failure! – 5 Ways to Restore Your Routine

Setting a goal and aligning your routine to hit your mark is very empowering. But, how do you react when the unexpected occurs and you miss your aim? If you’re like most people, you probably feel like a failure when doing the one-step-forward-two-steps-back dance. Although the negative feeling after a lack of success is both disappointing and…

Happiness at Work: Joy Is Not a Result of More Money and Stuff

“How much money is enough?” That question was put to John D. Rockefeller, the man who founded Standard Oil. The first-ever American billionaire replied, “Just a little bit more.” His reply demonstrates well that happiness at work won’t come from earning more money and buying more stuff. The high we get from acquiring another gadget,…

In What Ways Is Your Happiness Connected to the Happiness of Others?

Happiness is catching. Your happiness depends, in part, on your relationships with other people, with pets, and with yourself. A long-term study (three generations) measured happiness using these markers: feeling hopeful about the future, feeling happy, enjoying life, and feeling equal to other people. A follow-up to the original study concludes that being around happy…

Home Sweet Home! – How Your Home Environment Plays a Role in Your Happiness

Your home, sweet home, plays a role in your happiness. More than a place to hang your hat, your home environment affects your sense of community, your feelings of belonging, and your opportunities to relate to others. All elements of life that affect happiness. Connecting with the outdoors and being comfortable, safe, and healthy indoors…

Relationships & Time: How Self-Expression Has Replaced Love as the Ideal for a Happy Marriage

It’s safe to say that most individuals are on the lookout for the perfect partner. By perfect partner, I mean perfect for them to marry rather than simply perfect for marriage. There is a trending idea of choosing a partner based on how much they support your self-expression that has revamped marriage full force. It…

Worried Your Partner Is Depressed? – How to Convince Them to Get Therapy

If your partner is depressed, then you might feel stuck. While you think they’d benefit from therapy, convincing them of this may be somewhat of a challenge. Not only does your partner have to acknowledge that there is a problem, but also that they have to get past a few other obstacles. The financial price…