Adult ADHD: How It Can Fly Under the Radar & Why
The truth is that adults can also struggle with ADHD symptoms. That can be surprising to hear, considering ADHD is so widely recognized as impacting youth.
The truth is that adults can also struggle with ADHD symptoms. That can be surprising to hear, considering ADHD is so widely recognized as impacting youth.
Procrastination is one of the most common issues people struggle with. We’re constantly surrounded by distractions, flashing lights, clips, and headlines built to grab our attention.
Let's face it, most of our lives center around what we do for a living. It's a sad fact, but we are all working a lot to keep up with inflation, and the cost of living continues to rise. Even those who work from home have their lives revolve around their work.
Anger issues are often more associated with men. However, women also experience anger. There's a stigma that exists that shames women for feeling angry. In turn, this causes many to feel guilty for being angry, causing them to suppress their anger.
During the day, you're completely fine. Your days are filled with your job, chores, to-do lists, and tasks. You keep yourself busy, and you're not really able to focus on much else besides crossing items off of your to-do list.
You finally were able to do it. For whatever reason, [...]
For whatever reason, your relationship or marriage is over. Maybe it's been a few months, and you are starting to feel the urge to get out there and mingle—but you just aren't sure. Even after a year, you might doubt whether or not now would be an appropriate time to put yourself out there.
The month of May is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness. It's no secret that the last few years have been extremely challenging and hard on everyone's mental health. From pandemics to politics, violence, and school shootings, everyone has suffered at some point.
It's hard to believe how fast children grow up. It can seem as if it was just yesterday that they were taking their first steps or saying their first full sentence. Now, your child is about to hit another huge milestone—they are leaving home for the first time.
If you recently had an official diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), you might feel confused about what to do next. You know that treating it is possible through medication, but maybe you don't want to go down that route.