Communication Breakdown in Relationships: 5 Ways to Find Your Way Back To Each Other

Imagine that you and your partner are in the woods. But instead of walking side-by-side down the same trail together you are both separated. You are trying to find each other as a thick fog rolls in. You step blindly ahead, grasping at what you hope is your partner. Not surprisingly, you may both be frustrated,…

Relationships & Time: How Self-Expression Has Replaced Love as the Ideal for a Happy Marriage

It’s safe to say that most individuals are on the lookout for the perfect partner. By perfect partner, I mean perfect for them to marry rather than simply perfect for marriage. There is a trending idea of choosing a partner based on how much they support your self-expression that has revamped marriage full force. It…

Timing Is All – Don’t Wait Until Relationship Problems Develop to Seek Couples Therapy!

Most people start thinking about couples therapy after they’ve discovered a few relationship problems. After all, it’s only natural to want to find the solution to a problem, right? The only flaw with this approach is that “the problem” usually isn’t the actual problem. By the time most couples attend couples therapy, the real problem…

Is Your Relationship Toolbox Empty? 5 Tools to Build Solid Communication Skills

Aren’t you happy that your relationship is filled with so much loving conversation, insightful discussions, and supportive periods of verbal connection? No? Well, isn’t it great then, that the long talks between you and your loved one are so often the bright spots of your hectic week? Not really? Okay… well at least you must…

Marriage Problems? Honestly Examine What YOU Bring to the Relationship

A marriage involves two people – two individuals. When problems arise in a marriage, those two individuals all too often jump at quickly assigning blame. Most likely, though, both of them contributed to their relationship problems. Of course, they are both responsible for solving their marriage problems. But blaming and taking responsibility are two entirely…