Have you ever wondered if the prime of your life has already passed?

Are you really like a good wine and just get better with age? Or is the saying that 60 is the new 50 just an invention of people that don’t want to face the truth?

Does your age matter when it comes to what you can accomplish? Or is youth really not all that it’s cracked up to be?

Is there a silver lining as you get older? (And we’re not talking about your hair!)

Why not consider an examination of peaks of life to clarify these matters.

The High Points of Your Life – No Matter What Your Age

Bodily Fitness

On average, your muscle strength is highest when you’re about 25, while your bone mass and density reach their peak around 30. That usually translates into the fact that you’re able to do activities that require short bursts of energy much better in your mid-20s than when you get older. However, your ability to perform activities that need endurance often lasts into your 30s or 40s. And for some even beyond that!


Memorizing facts, learning a new language, and processing cognitive input, for example, seems to be connected to youth. In fact, these abilities may have seen their better days by the time you reach your early 20s. Your capacity to hold information in your working memory, though, may not be quite as limited while your age is advancing. Yet, it too begins dropping in your 40s.

Mental Acuity

While facts may take a little longer to memorize as a person gets older, other skills continue to develop. Scientists have found that intellectual skills and reasoning often peak in your early 30s. And reading comprehension, arithmetics, and vocabulary can keep on improving into your 50s, 60s, and 70s!


Creativity is one of those things that seems to ebb and flow. Though most people appear to make their most outstanding achievements during middle age. For example, a study found that, on average, Nobel-prize winners make their most notable discoveries around their 40s. And as far as peak salaries are concerned, women usually achieve theirs at around 39 and men when they’re about 49.

Emotional Insight/Wisdom

Advanced age also seems to help you navigate social matter with more ease, such as handling the intricacies of friendships. Researchers have discovered that a person’s insight into what others are feeling is at its height in their 40s and 50s. Showing wisdom extends even farther than that. People between 60 and 90 often are best at seeing someone else’s point of view, seeking compromises, anticipating changes, and analyzing the various possible outcome of a situation.


Overall satisfaction with life seems to peak in spurts. You’re most likely to be happy with your life around 23, and then once again when you’re about 69. In fact, satisfaction with your physical appearance and psychological well-being will probably not happen until you’re well into your 70s and 80s, according to what most people said in a survey.


Common opinion often has people believe that your sex drive is much stronger when you’re in your 20s and 30s. However, that’s far from true. The fact is that neither sexual desire nor sexual activity lessens much until you’re well into your 50s. After that, yes, libido has seen its better days. But even then, it doesn’t abruptly stop. Many people in their 60s and 70s still engage in regular sexual activities.

Now, remember, take all this information with a grain of salt. This isn’t an attempt to be dogmatic about when you’ll peak at anything; your own path may follow a totally different course. It’s simply meant to be a reminder that throughout your life—whatever your age—you’ll reach high points for different things.

The fact that there are many things for which you may not reach your peak until you’re past middle age really shows that life isn’t a continuous downhill slide from youth. It’s a continuous adventure with ups and downs. There’s no overall prime!

Above all, don’t forget that your mental attitude can actually play a huge role in your outlook for life. It’s no secret to psychologists that you can impose limitations on yourself through your mindset, rather than only due to your age. But that type of thinking can certainly be turned around.

So, why not learn to live your life as if the next peak is just around the corner!