There are many different anxiety remedies to consider. From professional treatment to tips you can use at home, people with this struggle are often quick to look up anxiety remedies that can help.

But did you know that something as simple as dietary changes could help to improve your anxiety?

The food you eat on a daily basis has a bigger impact on how you feel than you might realize. If you want to improve anxiety, a good way to start is to take a look at your diet.

Knowing how food plays a role in anxiety can help you to make better choices. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how dietary changes can help with anxiety.

How Is Anxiety Linked to Diet?

Recent studies have discovered a connection between anxiety and a condition called reactive hypoglycemia. This condition occurs when your blood sugar suddenly drops to an abnormally low level. Typically, this happens after a meal (or beverage) that contains a lot of sugar.

Too much caffeine in your diet can also contribute to feelings of anxiety. An excessive amount can start to make you feel nervous, even if you don’t have a mental health history or a connection with anxiety. This is because caffeine boosts cortisol (a stress hormone), as well as epinephrine (adrenaline). As you can imagine, having an excessive amount of either hormone in your blood will make you feel uneasy.

Finally, certain dietary deficiencies can play a part in anxiety. If you’re lacking specific amino acids, such as tryptophan, it can affect serotonin levels in your brain. As these levels drop, it’s easier to feel more anxious.

How to Make Changes in Your Diet to Improve Anxiety

Dietary changes to help with anxiety don’t have to be extreme. Try to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Reducing how much sugar you eat will be a big help in eliminating sudden drops in your blood sugar. Moreover, simple carbohydrates also break down quickly in the body as sugar. By eating more complex carbohydrates that break down slowly, you won’t experience a sudden shift in blood sugar level. It will remain more stable, which can reduce your anxiety symptoms.

You can also benefit from lowering your caffeine intake. While you probably don’t have to give it up altogether, try cutting it in half to see if that improves your symptoms of anxiety. If you feel you need a certain amount of caffeine for energy, try to consider alternative ways of giving yourself a boost, such as exercising.

Finally, if you have other underlying health conditions that require a specific diet, talk to your doctor about ways to improve your nutrition for your overall health and wellness. You may be missing out on certain nutrients or amino acids that could affect more than just your mental health.

Considering Other Anxiety Remedies

As noted at the outset, there are a great variety of anxiety remedies you can consider if you’re dealing with anxiety. You might try more than one if you’re struggling to get through the day without feeling nervous. Start with the above-mentioned dietary changes. Simple changes can often make a notable difference!

While it’s always a good idea to do what you can on your own to help with your anxiety, also consider other factors in your life that might be contributing to your anxiety. Factors for which you may need professional.

Seeking anxiety treatment with a mental health professional is nothing to be ashamed of or to take lightly. Your symptoms can be managed, and you can take back your life once again without living in fear.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, please contact me to see how my approach to anxiety treatment can help you. We can work through various strategies to help you manage your anxiety, including identifying your triggers.