Let’s be honest. Life can get a little on top of us from time to time. Whether it’s work stress, relationship problems, or you suffer from a mental health condition such as anxiety, things can get tough.

What can you do to help manage life’s ups and downs? Appreciate the great things and life’s little joys to keep yourself grounded, mindful, and positive.

Why is this so important? In what ways can you enjoy and embrace life’s small pleasures? Read on to find out. 

Why You Should Enjoy The Little Things In Life

Sometimes we often brush off the little things in life and think nothing much of them. However, as you become more present, you may realize how meaningful and impactful these things can be. 


An essential reason for enjoying the little things in life is that you will be actively focusing on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative ones. This can not only keep you in a good mindset but can also help you train and condition yourself to cope with negativity, intrusive thoughts, and tough feelings productively.

When you appreciate the little things in life, you can focus your attention positively and intentionally. This can help to nurture your mental health and help sustain your happiness. You may also be more grateful for the everyday things that you often take for granted. 

5 Ways To Embrace Life’s Little Joys

When we think about our lives, we often focus on the big moments rather than the little or smaller details. We look forward to the promotions, the weddings, the births, the holidays, or the vacations. What’s going on in the present seems more of a pathway to those events. 

While it’s important to look forward to grander times in your life, don’t skip over smaller times in your everyday life.  You may find that they bring you more joy and closeness as you add them up, helping to keep you happy and satisfied.

So, how can you embrace life’s little moments and joys intentionally? 

1. Take Long Walks

It may sound like a cliche, but you’ve no idea how impactful a long walk can be for your mental health. It gets you out of the house, fresh air in your lungs, and your blood pumping.  As all of those endorphins get flowing, you naturally feel more uplifted. 

A long walk can also help to clear your mind or stoke creativity. You may find that walking through nature and near nice scenery can also keep you calm and stress-free. 

2. Read A Book

Reading a book is a great way to appreciate the moment. It can take you away to another world and place, and let you forget about your worries for a moment. Reading can also broaden your mind, your horizons and open your mind. It can also offer you new perspectives, which can impact you and your appreciation for your own life. 

3. Talk To Someone You Care About/Miss

Now more than ever, it is vital that you stay connected with the people you love. While texting and social media are very convenient, don’t forget to have those long, deeper conversations and open up to someone. It will bring you closer to them, strengthen your bond and also make you feel more supported and loved in the long run.

Additionally, just speaking to someone face to face randomly can bring you joy and a much-needed sense of belonging and community. You may hear good news or they may have funny stories to tell you that can brighten your day. 

4. Wake Up Earlier

You’ll be surprised what you can achieve when you’ve got more time in the day than you’re used to. Waking up a little earlier can give you some extra time before work. Sit down with a coffee on the porch, watch your favorite show or read a few chapters of your book before you start your day. 

5. Live In The Moment

To appreciate life’s little joys. You must live in the moment. Take a look around you and focus on the present. Observe your life. Pay attention to your feelings, connections, and interactions. Don’t look at what you want to change or control. Simply practice tuning into how things are and allow them to inform you.

Notice your face in the mirror without judging it. Appreciate the way your body moves and the lines of your pet’s face. Feel the sun or wind. Take time to watch the clouds go by. Really listen to the lyrics in your favorite playlist. Embrace the moment.


Making space for appreciating the small, seemingly insignificant, things in life is actually very important. Take time to nourish and support your mental and emotional health. 

I am here to help. Are you interested in learning more about depression treatment and how to start changing the way you view yourself and the world? Please feel free to contact me soon for information and initial consultation.