When Your Emotions Seize Control – 8 Ways to Overcome Your Anxiety

No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to overcome your anxiety. Your emotions and feelings are so overwhelming, they seize control when you least expect it. Forcing yourself to not feel anxious hasn’t worked, and you are already seeing a therapist. So now what else can you do? In order to overcome anxiety, it’s…

Can Food Affect Mood? – How Eating, Anxiety, and Stress Are Connected

Every day, researchers are learning more about that everything is connected. This is true for our minds, bodies, and what we choose to eat. For example, studies have found that eating certain kinds of food affects mood. Known by the acronym FODMAPS, these foods can not only influence your mood but even cause IBS (irritable bowel…

Feeling Anxious? – Why Anxiety Isn’t Really the Issue, But Your Response Is

You would think that if you’re feeling anxious, then you might have a problem with anxiety. Right? After all, you know what it’s like to feel your heart racing, with your breathing getting faster. Yet, things like heart rate or breathing are not actually anxiety at all. They are simply your response to an emotion that…

Why Time for Unstructured Play May Be the Best Thing for Your Child’s Anxiety

Adults ruin everything! This even includes the fun associated with unstructured play. Between 1981-1997 researchers have found that children are participating in less and less unstructured play time. We’re talking about the kind of play where there is no formal structure, in contrast to a soccer game or participating in a club. It is the…

The Importance of a Support System for Stress Management – 3 Key Points

Anxiety treatment is more than simply going to therapy sessions or even taking medication. You need much more in order to be successful and to keep your anxiety under control. This includes having a support system for stress. When you experience stress, it can initiate a cascade effect. What seemed like a small problem at first…