Family Grating Your Nerves During the Holidays? – Tips to Managing Adult Sibling Rivalry

It’s the time of year that you dread the most. You can find excuses not to show up for other holidays such as the Fourth of July. Yet, you can’t get out of the yearly holiday family gatherings. Why do you want to avoid your family during the holidays? It’s because the adult sibling rivalry between…

It’s the Season to Be Jolly—But What If Performance Anxiety Makes Your Holidays Miserable?

You’ve spent months preparing for this day. All the gifts have been bought, the food is cooking, and everyone seems to be having a good time. Several of your guests have commented on how wonderful everything is. Yet, you don’t believe them… at all. In fact, during the holidays you always seem to develop a…

Stress Is Inevitable – How Can Your Perception of It Make a Difference?

You’ve seen plenty of articles online about stress—what it is, how to manage it, even how stress can be damaging to your health. All of this information can be, well… stressful! The fact is that stress is inevitable. Yet, what if you could look at stress from a different perspective? You’ve probably been told that…

The Problem of Worrying About “What Ifs” – How Anxious Anticipation Can Wreck Your Life

You know that you worry a lot. In fact, you’ve even joked to yourself or to others how you’re a “worry wart.” All joking aside, though, constant worrying is actually a real problem. It’s called anxious anticipation. And it can really take a toll on your life because you spend a lot—if not all—of your…

Yes, Physical Effects of Anxiety Are Real! – 10 Symptoms You Should Not Dismiss

Typically, when you think of anxiety, experiencing excessive worry and mental tension may come to mind. Thus, anxiety is often considered by many to be something that affects your brain. However, did you realize that anxiety causes physical symptoms too? These can range from back pain, nausea, and even blurred vision. Taken only by themselves,…

Financial Stress Wrecking Your Mental Health? – 3 Keys for Coping

Do you often find yourself faced with financial stress? I mean the kind of stress that affects your mental health and disrupts your life. You may experience frequent upset stomachs, sleepless nights, and a barrage of self-depraving thoughts. If you’re nodding along, then rest assured you’re not alone. Many people, just like you, are plagued…

Anxiety and the Digital Era: Can Technology Actually Reduce Stress?

We hear a lot about how technology causes anxiety in these digital days. But there’s evidence that technology can also help reduce stress. One in five Americans is troubled with anxiety, and the problem is worse for women. Almost twice as many women as men suffer from anxiety. The causes and characteristics of anxiety are…