Remote Work & Relationships: 6 Ways to Stay Close to the Coworkers You Enjoy

Remote Work & Relationships: 6 Ways to Stay Close to the Coworkers You Enjoy

Many of us have had to adjust to remote work since the beginning of the pandemic. This can be particularly difficult for those of us who are more extroverted. But even the most introverted and experienced remote worker can struggle with creating and keeping work relationships.  That’s because maintaining fulfilling professional relationships at a distance…


What You Can Do to Keep Complacency from Creeping into Your Relationship

Relationships can take a lot of work, time, and effort, especially in the initial stages. It can take months or even years to get to know someone through and through. it’s exciting and interesting to learn their quirks, likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams, and habits.  During this process, a relationship only goes from strength to strength….


Do You Constantly Compare Yourself & Despair as a Result? How to Stop

“Compare and despair” is what we call it when someone continually compares their achievements or characteristics to others. There is always someone who will seem “better” than you. Constant comparison can lead to feelings of disappointment and, ultimately, despair. It might start with an episode or two. Eventually, it can escalate into something that devastates…


What Kind of Anxious Am I?

Everyone has occasional anxiety. When anxiety affects a person’s daily life is we pay closer attention. This usually involves repeated episodes of intense fear and might escalate into a panic attack. These anxious feelings are also usually disproportional to the actual danger. If you avoid situations to prevent these feelings, you could be battling an…


5 Ways a Solid Support System Can Support Depression Treatment

Mental health problems are becoming more and more recognized and discussed openly. One of the most common mental illnesses is depression, particularly since the onset of the COVID pandemic. Depression affects everyone slightly differently. Conditions can vary from mild to severe to debilitating and treatment options are unique to the person seeking help.  Research shows…

5 Relationship Rituals to Increase Connection Day-to-Day

5 Relationship Rituals to Increase Connection Day-to-Day

It’s no secret that sometimes maintaining a connected relationship can feel difficult. That’s because it is. The advice couples receive like, “communicate often,” and, “make time for each other every day,” sounds fairly simple. But most couples are time-poor, burnout from work or home, and just plain tired.  This is all very human, and the…


How Exercise Boosts Neuroplasticity & Why That Matters if Your Mood is Low

Neuroplasticity refers to the human brain’s ability to change its functional and structural properties in order to adapt to change. Studies suggest that physical exercise can change the structure of the brain as well. This finding is monumental to those suffering from low moods, dark thoughts, or unproductive rumination. With this research, we can conclude…