5 Tips to Alleviate College Anxiety
From the time you walked through the doors of your high school during freshman year, you have dreamed of this moment. New beginnings are exciting. Especially when you are attending college for the first time, it's the start of a new chapter in your life.
5 Ways to Talk to Your Partner About Your Relationship
It's common for most couples to struggle with communication. Whether you've been together for a few months, a few years, or a decade, it's something that every couple, at every phase of their relationship, will have to learn to do. But opening up about your relationship is challenging.
4 Tips to Better Communicate With Your ADHD Partner
When you hear someone has ADHD, how often do you associate it with children or teenagers? Probably a lot more than you would with an adult, right? It's a common misconception that only children or teenagers have ADHD.
Part 2: Is There Any Way to Recover Your Relationship from Financial Infidelity?
Financial infidelity can damage a relationship, just like physically cheating can. When a couple deals with financial infidelities, it can end up tearing a huge rift in the fabric of their bond.
Part 1: What is Financial Infidelity?
Infidelity, or cheating, is something we have all heard of. It is most commonly associated with being unfaithful to your partner with another person. However, most people do not realize that there are more ways to commit infidelity than just that.
6 Superpowers of Highly Sensitive People
You saw the word 'superpower,' and I bet you immediately thought of a hero type of figure—someone with an unnatural gift of superhuman strength or supernatural ability. Highly Sensitive People (HSP) may not have superhuman gifts that can cause them to soar above the sky and save the world from impending doom. But what they do have is equally important.