5 Tips for Keeping Anxiety in Check When You Worry About Security at Home

It seems like every week there is news of another act of terror. Kidnappings, mass shootings, and worse. Ingrained in the minds of everyone of a certain age are the events of September 11, 2001, for example. If you already struggle with anxiety, it makes sense that you have worries about feeling secure from terror…

Need Space in Your Relationship? – How to Balance Togetherness and Individuality

Sometimes space is hard to come by. There are times when you want to be close to your partner and be held by them. At other times, though, you may wish they’d just step away and give you your space. Miscommunication of these needs can create confusion, resentment, and bitterness. But it doesn’t have to be…

When Your Emotions Seize Control – 8 Ways to Overcome Your Anxiety

No matter how hard you try, it seems impossible to overcome your anxiety. Your emotions and feelings are so overwhelming, they seize control when you least expect it. Forcing yourself to not feel anxious hasn’t worked, and you are already seeing a therapist. So now what else can you do? In order to overcome anxiety, it’s…

Relationships and the Social Media Challenge: 4 Tips for Setting Boundaries

It’s all territory that has yet to be charted, this social media business. In terms of relationships and setting boundaries, the digital era we’re in has created a social media challenge. Online activities might seem like a juvenile and almost trivial thing to cause problems in relationships, but they definitely do. How so? The social…