The Problem of Worrying About “What Ifs” – How Anxious Anticipation Can Wreck Your Life

You know that you worry a lot. In fact, you’ve even joked to yourself or to others how you’re a “worry wart.” All joking aside, though, constant worrying is actually a real problem. It’s called anxious anticipation. And it can really take a toll on your life because you spend a lot—if not all—of your…

“There’s Nothing Wrong with Me!” – Why Dealing with Depression Is So Much Harder for Men

When men have depression, it’s more than processing feeling a little blue. In reality, men dealing with depression feel like they are carrying a crushing burden. While they understand that something is wrong inside, they often keep their emotions locked deep down. This can have tragic consequences. In fact, suicide is the 7th most common…

Communication Breakdown in Relationships: 5 Ways to Find Your Way Back To Each Other

Imagine that you and your partner are in the woods. But instead of walking side-by-side down the same trail together you are both separated. You are trying to find each other as a thick fog rolls in. You step blindly ahead, grasping at what you hope is your partner. Not surprisingly, you may both be frustrated,…

Yes, Physical Effects of Anxiety Are Real! – 10 Symptoms You Should Not Dismiss

Typically, when you think of anxiety, experiencing excessive worry and mental tension may come to mind. Thus, anxiety is often considered by many to be something that affects your brain. However, did you realize that anxiety causes physical symptoms too? These can range from back pain, nausea, and even blurred vision. Taken only by themselves,…