Know Thyself! – According to Current Understanding, How Truly Self-Aware Are We?

If someone were to say to you, “know thyself,” what would you think? Maybe you already have a keen sense of self-awareness. So you already do know yourself pretty well. Or, so you think. But, what if you and a group of your colleagues rated your character qualities. Would you come up with similar lists?…

Financial Stress Wrecking Your Mental Health? – 3 Keys for Coping

Do you often find yourself faced with financial stress? I mean the kind of stress that affects your mental health and disrupts your life. You may experience frequent upset stomachs, sleepless nights, and a barrage of self-depraving thoughts. If you’re nodding along, then rest assured you’re not alone. Many people, just like you, are plagued…

Exercise and Longevity: 2-Minute Walks Can Add Up More Than You Think

Do you feel a little bummed when you’re co-workers or friends talk about their fitness regime? You might even feel embarrassed or concerned for your health that you’re not registered for the upcoming 5K or working on your quads. Let’s face it, your quad definition just isn’t number one on your priority list. And that’s…