Why Stepping Past That Uncomfortable Feeling is the Key to a Better Life

Discomfort. It’s that feeling we get when we step outside of our comfort zone. When we move beyond the constraint of activities and opportunities that we feel comfortable with. The thing is, most of us don’t like that uncomfortable feeling. In fact, avoiding it is part of human nature – a weakness that urges us…

Excessive Worrying is Worthless – Take These Steps to Control It

You’ve got things to do. This moment, right now, needs you to get up and get in it. Get with it. Go for it. But you aren’t. Why? Perhaps it’s because you can’t seem to move forward without questioning the moment, mercilessly rehashing the past, or second-guessing whether you’re ready for what lies ahead. You’re worried….

9 Ways to Accept Your Past, Enjoy the Present, and Fall in Love with Life Again

Life is calling. Real, fully, realized life. Do you want to answer that call? If your heart says, “Yes!” but the past keeps you quiet, stuck, and longing for change, you need a new plan. Now. Here’s where to start: Phase One: Accept your past It’s time to find the freedom you crave…(hint* it’s not…

Pessimists: The Key to Optimism and a Better Life is Your Self-Talk. Why?

Optimism. An effervescent cheerful spirit. Always looking for the good in everything. Seeing the glass half full, instead of half empty. Sounds really good – on the surface. Right? Opponents of positive thinking have argued that it’s simply another way of hiding from reality. They contend that it’s just a soft and fluffy concept that…

Dramatic People: Are Their Lives Really a Never-ending List of Crises?

So there’s this test you can take. About your need for drama. It’s all very scientific and published. Totally evidence-based and meant to assess that thing dramatic people have inside them. You know, that inner tendency to make chaos a routine occurrence in their daily lives. Psychologist Scott Frankowski really wanted to know what that…

You, Age 30, and You, Age 80: Destined to Be the Same? Or Can You Change?

We live in the age of longer lives and possibilities. An age greatly affected by “boomer” culture, TV talk shows, and self-help gurus who encourage us to change, revamp, and make ourselves over. Enrichment classes encourage us to come by the community center and learn 25 ways to change this and 9 steps to remake…