
Self-Criticism: Take These Steps to Stop Beating Yourself Up

Researcher Kristen Neff has discovered something life-changing about culturally predominant beliefs regarding success, self-improvement, and self-criticism: beating yourself up actually prevents you from doing your best and from doing the most. Chances are good that you were led to believe productivity meant comparing yourself to others and holding yourself to an ever-higher standard. Maybe you’ve…

Eat Right / Feel Right: How the Right Foods Affect Your Emotional Health

It turns out there’s more to the relationship between happiness and food than calorie counts; the nutrients in the food you eat affect your emotional well-being too. Convincing research suggests a correlation between the experience of conditions like depression and anxiety and a lack of crucial vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. It makes sense that…

Mistakes, Worries, and Regrets: 6 Ways to Let Them Go and Shine!

Imagine you grew up in a strict home. You became intimately acquainted with early curfews, rigid dress codes, and the word “no.” You felt like you only had value when you succeeded—in sports, at school, and in your relationships. Criticisms were frequent and affected you deeply. Maybe someone told you or made you feel like…

9 Reasons to Say "Thank You" and Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal

In the growing body of research about gratitude and happiness, there are many different definitions of gratitude; the gist of each is the same: gratitude is made up of expressions of appreciation, an awareness of the present moment, and finding joy and meaning in the world around you. Psychologists have found that practicing gratitude doesn’t…