Are Women Happier After A Divorce?
Any type of change that occurs in someone's life can be a difficult one to navigate. A change as big as a divorce can bring a lot of extra challenges to someone's life or daily routine.
What Separation Anxiety Looks Like In Adults and Children
When most people think about having separation anxiety, their thoughts often travel to children. It can be hard to imagine unless you have experienced it, but adults can also experience separation anxiety.
Dos & Don’ts of Communicating with an Avoidant Partner
Communication styles are an interesting topic to discuss. It's not uncommon to find ourselves partnered with someone with the complete opposite communication style.
How to Enjoy the Holidays as an Interfaith Couple
Our differences aren't often celebrated. While we should marvel at a world with such diverse walks of life, it often divides us as a society. If you have a partner from a different ethnic or religious background, you see this value and probably celebrate the diversity.
6 Communication Tips for Couples
Couples can face many challenges in their relationships. While there may be more specific reasons for strife, most people struggle with communicating with their partner.
Navigating Frustrating Family Members During the Holidays
The holidays are a joyous time for many people. It's the time of year when we reflect on the past, express gratitude for everything we have, and reunite with family and friends we don't get to see too often.