If you want to get a grip on depression and resolve your depression symptoms, you need to reclaim control.
One of the many problems with depression is that it makes you feel like you don’t have any power in your life. This is frustrating and, in the long run, contributes to making the depression worse. It all adds on to itself—and you.
In essence, you’re becoming depressed about being depressed.
But what can you do?
Here are six steps that you can take to reclaim control of your depression and your life.
1. Ask Yourself Why You’re Depressed
This might sound self-explanatory. Yet, it isn’t always clear for everybody.
For some, they can easily identify why they are depressed. Maybe it was from negative childhood experiences that have manifested as trauma. Or there was that car accident last year that has left you badly shaken.
But for some, the feelings associated with depression have always been there. You might not be able to identify specifically why you are depressed. Yet you do know that you are depressed and probably have been for a long time.
2. Analyze Your Beliefs
Next, think about and identify what your beliefs are when you’re feeling depressed. Your beliefs are the thoughts that you have about yourself which have been influenced by depression.
For example, you might think to yourself: “I’m worthless!” In fact, you might have had this thought come up many times. Hone in on those beliefs. Even though they are painful to think about, it’s important to pinpoint and understand them.
3. Identify the Benefits of Those Beliefs
This is a little tricky. After all, why on earth would someone benefit from feeling depressed? But the fact is that you do get a certain benefit from the mindset of being depressed. How so?
For example, if you don’t feel in control of your life, it’s easy to blame problems on others. If you are late for an appointment, even if it’s your fault, you put the blame on the slow bus driver or the person that cut you off in traffic. Hence, in a way, the benefit is that you never have to take responsibility for your actions.
4. Question Your Beliefs
To begin to reclaim control from depression, it’s important to question those beliefs. In the end, they are barriers to getting a grip on depression and resolving it. Rather, they keep you entrenched in your depressed mindset.
Granted, it can be hard to question your beliefs about your depression. Especially, if you have struggled with this problem for a long time. But it’s also necessary in order for you to move forward.
5. Tap into Your Funny Bone
It sounds counter-intuitive to laugh about your depression. After all, depression is a serious mental health problem. Yet, sometimes a little humor can help with positively coping with depression.
For one, it helps with changing your mindset from one that’s negative to one that’s more empowering. Rather than believing you are powerless over depression, humor helps to reclaim control. So, give yourself permission to laugh a little!
6. Consider What Tools You Need to Cope
Finally, think about what skills or tools you will need to better cope with depression. Of course, it’s not possible to think about every single possible skill you could tap into. However, you probably know of at least one or two to start with.
Some ideas include:
- Journaling
- Taking up a new hobby
- Joining a special interest group
- Eating healthy
- Exercising
- Drawing or painting
- Meditating
If you’re willing to do some research or talk to a therapist, you can expand that toolbox for coping with your depression even more.
Obviously, being depressed about being depressed only adds to your burden. But it is possible to reclaim the control that was lost and to resolve your depression. You can start to get a grip on depression by following the steps mentioned above.
Moreover, it helps to participate in depression treatment as well. If you would like to know more about my approach, please contact me.