
5 Ways a Solid Support System Can Support Depression Treatment

Mental health problems are becoming more and more recognized and discussed openly. One of the most common mental illnesses is depression, particularly since the onset of the COVID pandemic. Depression affects everyone slightly differently. Conditions can vary from mild to severe to debilitating and treatment options are unique to the person seeking help.  Research shows…


How Exercise Boosts Neuroplasticity & Why That Matters if Your Mood is Low

Neuroplasticity refers to the human brain’s ability to change its functional and structural properties in order to adapt to change. Studies suggest that physical exercise can change the structure of the brain as well. This finding is monumental to those suffering from low moods, dark thoughts, or unproductive rumination. With this research, we can conclude…


COVID Burnout: How to Maintain Perspective Amid Variants, Vaccine Boosters & Vacillating Mandates

COVID burnout or pandemic fatigue is a feeling of exhaustion and demotivation due to changes resulting from the COVID pandemic. Pandemic fatigue is a natural result of a pandemic. The precautions we’ve implemented month after month feel constricting. Virtually schooling our kids takes energy. Avoiding large gatherings with family and friends is a difficult decision…

Depression & Aging Aren’t Always Partners: 6 Steps to Feeling Better

Depression & Aging Aren’t Always Partners: 6 Steps to Feeling Better

It’s normal to have down days in life. If these gloomy feelings last weeks or months, they could be a sign of depression. Growing older doesn’t have to mean falling into a depressive state of mind. You can have a happy disposition and positive mental health throughout your entire life If, as you’ve aged, you…

depression treatment

Adjustment Disorder: What It Is & What You Can Do About It

We sometimes call adjustment disorder situational depression. Any situation perceived as a stressful event can cause adjustment disorder. These stressors usually cause a significant issue in the person’s work, home, or social life. Even positive events like getting married or having a baby can trigger dark moods. The possibility of developing situational depression is linked…