Setting the Record Straight: 6 Truths About Depression

Depression is such a common mental health problem. Yet, there are so many myths that still exist about the condition. Sadly, these distortions of truths about depression may discourage someone from getting the help they need. Moreover, they may also continue to feed into public misconceptions about the disease, which only serves to isolate people…

Depression Lies: “You’re Broken, Nobody Will Ever Want You”—Reject It!

When you are depressed, one of the biggest, boldfaced lies that you could fall prey to is that you are unlovable. Depression lies to you: “Nobody will ever want you, so why even bother to try?” If you are finding yourself buying into this lie, reject it! Just because you are struggling with depression doesn’t…

Fact or Fiction? – Holiday Depression Lore Under the Microscope

You’ve probably heard people say that depression gets worse during the holidays. Often people feel sad and alone if they don’t have others to share those special times together. Or you may have even heard that rates of suicide actually go up during the holidays. Are these claims correct? Sifting through what’s true and what…

“There’s Nothing Wrong with Me!” – Why Dealing with Depression Is So Much Harder for Men

When men have depression, it’s more than processing feeling a little blue. In reality, men dealing with depression feel like they are carrying a crushing burden. While they understand that something is wrong inside, they often keep their emotions locked deep down. This can have tragic consequences. In fact, suicide is the 7th most common…