Cause and Effect: How Obesity and Depression in Children are Connected

Although they are treated separately, the reality is that physical health and mental well-being are intimately connected. One example of how this is true is when we look at childhood depression and obesity. Research has found that obesity and depression in children can have both physical connections and mental health links. And it’s important to note…

Making Your Relationship a Priority in the New Year – Tips for Staying Connected

This new year you and your partner decided that making your relationship a priority ought to take center stage. And that’s a great decision which will be very beneficial to your relationship, not just this year, but in the long-run. However, you both lead busy lives. Thus, it can truly be a struggle staying connected…

Panic Attack Help: 7 Things You Can Do to Help a Loved One When a Panic Attack Strikes

It can be a real struggle to cope with panic attacks. The fear, anxiety, and emotional distress are overwhelming. It’s especially hard if you are watching your loved one have a panic attack. You want to help, but it always seems as if your efforts are futile. Is there anything that you can do that’s actually…

Light Therapy for Depression: The Beneficial Effects of Blue Light

Eleven million Americans struggle with SAD, or seasonal affected disorder. It’s a condition that begins to be apparent when the nights start getting longer and there’s less daylight. For many, it makes getting through the darker winter months more difficult. And it can also be a trigger for depression. Currently, researchers are learning more about…

Good Listening Skills Make the Difference Between Casual and Lasting Friendships

Imagine some of the enduring friendships in your life. Why were they so impactful? Was it because you both did the same things for fun, such as fishing or watching sports? Or did you each have similar career paths and worked at the same company? Maybe all these aspects play a part in your friendships. Having…

Is Your Partner Older/Younger? – How to Build a Successful Age Gap Relationship

When you have an older or younger partner with a significant age difference, you are in what’s called an age gap relationship. Perhaps neither of you were expecting to be with someone much older or younger than the other. However, one thing led to another. And now, here you are! Of course, you want the…

Loneliness, Depression, and Social Support: How Senior Cohousing Communities Can Help

Loneliness and depression are common problems for seniors. Some of the underlying reasons can be the loss of a spouse or life partner, moving from a familiar home to a care facility, or less contact with friends and family. For some, the thought of having to spend their golden years in a retirement community can…