Can Food Affect Mood? – How Eating, Anxiety, and Stress Are Connected

Every day, researchers are learning more about that everything is connected. This is true for our minds, bodies, and what we choose to eat. For example, studies have found that eating certain kinds of food affects mood. Known by the acronym FODMAPS, these foods can not only influence your mood but even cause IBS (irritable bowel…

After the Honeymoon: 6 Tips to Keep Your Relationship Going Strong

What do you think of when falling in love? There’s the excitement of being with your partner and having new experiences together. It seems as if every day offers something fresh and exciting. This is typically called the “honeymoon” stage of a relationship. Make no mistake, it does feel great. However, this time period only goes…

Feel Like You’re Lacking the Tools to Handle Relationship Conflict? – Use These 4 Steps

Sooner or later every couple will experience a relationship conflict. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to resolve any couples conflict amicably when it occurs, instead of letting things get out of hand? And you can learn to do exactly that! In fact, there are many ways of handling conflict in healthy ways. But…

Feeling Anxious? – Why Anxiety Isn’t Really the Issue, But Your Response Is

You would think that if you’re feeling anxious, then you might have a problem with anxiety. Right? After all, you know what it’s like to feel your heart racing, with your breathing getting faster. Yet, things like heart rate or breathing are not actually anxiety at all. They are simply your response to an emotion that…

Setting the Record Straight: 6 Truths About Depression

Depression is such a common mental health problem. Yet, there are so many myths that still exist about the condition. Sadly, these distortions of truths about depression may discourage someone from getting the help they need. Moreover, they may also continue to feed into public misconceptions about the disease, which only serves to isolate people…

Depression Lies: “You’re Broken, Nobody Will Ever Want You”—Reject It!

When you are depressed, one of the biggest, boldfaced lies that you could fall prey to is that you are unlovable. Depression lies to you: “Nobody will ever want you, so why even bother to try?” If you are finding yourself buying into this lie, reject it! Just because you are struggling with depression doesn’t…