We live in a fast-paced world that demands a lot from us. Between jobs, finances, households, raising families, and general safety, it can feel like our attention is pulled in a million directions. Unfortunately, such a scenario can lead to burnout.

We often hear the word “burnout” in the context of jobs. After putting in so many hours, energy, and emotions, we can be drained to the point of apathy and exhaustion. However, burnout can be experienced in other facets of our lives as well.

Relationship burnout can result from pouring enormous energy into our partners. If we focus on improving, growing, changing, or maintaining a relationship, we can feel great fatigue, especially if our efforts return null and void.

You may never have heard of relationship burnout, but after we discuss some of these points, you’ll recognize the signs of it immediately.

Signs That Your Relationship Is Experiencing Burnout

Burnout, in terms of a relationship, is best explained by talking about the signs of it.

You Constantly Fight

Conflict, in itself, is not a bad thing. When it is done healthily, conflict can be a helpful tool to keep your connection strong and thriving. However, after some point, too much conflict becomes a bad thing. A hallmark sign of relationship burnout is constantly arguing with your partner. Additionally, you may notice now that your relationship doesn’t rebound as easily from an argument as it once did.

You No Longer Feel Connected

couple arguing in a bench

Your intuition can tell you much about what is happening if you know what to listen for. Another classic sign of relationship burnout is when your connection no longer seems as strong as before. We get it; you balance many things, from children to careers and responsibilities. However, despite all of this, a couple should still feel their bond is strong.

You may never talk beyond the basics of how you are and check-ins for what is happening. There will inevitably be times when you don’t have the time to really connect. However, these times should be far between.

Giving Each Other The Cold Shoulder

Are you and your partner not communicating effectively? Does it seem as if you have to pry information out of each other, whereas before, the lines of communication flowed freely between you?

When a relationship goes through long periods of constant arguing and tension, it eventually leads to poor or nonexistent communication. This is a sign that you are no longer holding the sacred space you once reserved for each other. Instead of being the person you turn to when stressed or upset, your partner becomes the source of these negative things. You no longer want to turn to them, or them to you, because quite frankly, you might not even be able to stand the sight of each other most days.

Is It Possible to Mend Relationship Burnout?

If you read this post and recognize signs of relationship burnout, you may wonder, “Well, what now?”

Relationship burnout is frustrating, but it doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed. Even if your relationship has been showing signs of burnout for a long time, you can still reverse the damaging effect that this has.

First, repairing your bond will take time, commitment, and effort. If one partner is feeling this way, likely, the other is as well. The first step is for both partners to admit their relationship isn’t healthy.

Second, setting time aside for each other will certainly help matters. Even if it’s not a lengthy date night, spending 30 minutes with each other without distractions can help you feel connected.

Sometimes, it can be hard for a couple to fix these issues alone. Couples counseling can help you get to the root of what has caused the relationship burnout and find ways to move forward from it. Reach out to learn more about couples therapy and how we can help.