Why Many People Who Suffer Reject Treatment for Depression

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 300 million people around the world suffer from depression. Yet, many reject treatment for depression and do not seek out depression therapy. There are many reasons why some refuse depression treatment. All, though, have the same result: going through life day-by-day facing the burden of depression on…

4 Helpful Strategies for Managing Anxiety and Obsessions

If you struggle with anxiety, then you know how obsessive thoughts can really affect your life. One moment, you think you’re doing fine, going about your day. Then, something triggers you to obsess about problems that weren’t even an issue minutes before. Perhaps you tried calling your parents, but they didn’t pick up the call. Or you worry…

More Than a Serotonin Imbalance, Depression Is an Affliction of Body and Mind – Part 2

As established in the first post on this subject, depression can definitely affect not just your mental well-being. It impacts your body as well. This has serious implications for those who struggle with depression. Even if it’s been only for a relatively short time. However, for those who have had to deal with depression for years, the…

The Anxiety of Excess: 5 Ways to Boost Happiness When Faced with Too Many Choices

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “It’s just too hard to make a decision”? Perhaps you find yourself paralyzed when it comes to making even small decisions in your everyday life. The problem may not be that you can’t make a decision. Rather, it’s that there are way too many options available. In the modern world,…

Couple’s Rescue: 5 Modern-Day Relationship Rules That Can Salvage Your Marriage

In the past, it used to be that marriages followed rather inflexible relationship rules. Yet, those expectations didn’t really work to create a strong and supportive relationship. More often, couples struggled to create a loving bond under these constraints. Today, relationship rules have completely changed. If you are having trouble in your relationship, it might…

More Than a Serotonin Imbalance, Depression Is an Affliction of the Body and Mind – Part 1

Oftentimes, the cause of depression is associated with a serotonin imbalance in the brain. Of course, that means, when your serotonin levels are off it’s an important indicator for depression. Yet, experiencing a chemical imbalance is not the whole story at all. In fact, research is discovering that depression is not just a disorder of the…